Monday, September 19, 2011

Everyone's Sick

When I say everyone, I really mean everyone. At school, every corner you turn there is someone sniffling or coughing, sneezing and so on. It's just one of those things that always seem to happen around this time of year. Of course, it doesn't help that our school made their attendance policy really  strict this year. As in, miss seven classes, you automatically fail it. Not to mention, most "excused" days still count for one of those seven days. You pretty much need a lawyer to get a real excused day from school.
So, obviously this means more sick people are coming to school even when they shouldn't. Oh yay.

Yeah. I'm sick.

And that stress I said was going to start once I started school? Eeyup, hi stress, how you doing?
Basically it's draining me in ways only school can, and the fall play practices just started up seriously this week. (We've had two script read through and that's it.) We're doing the Laramie Project, which has around 63 parts in it. About 20 or so people auditioned. Everyone has around 3 parts each right now, and not all the parts are even cast yet. Well, it should be interesting.

I also haven't knitted in a long time. Maybe a week or so before school started I stopped, and I really want to get back into it. Especially with Christmas gifts needing to get done. Plus I need to make my Dad a hat by the end of the month for his birthday, eep.

Um, what else.


Sunday, August 28, 2011

Welcome Back Stress

School starts up again this week, Thursday to be exact. September 1st.
Excited? A little, mostly for Drama Club and the start of the Fall Play and just to do stuff again other than lazing about the house and doing odd ball stuff around the house.
Also not excited. Because my sleep schedule will have to be altered again, I'm currently typing up this entry at 2:40 am on Monday morning. Yep. Also, because stress, stress, stress.

I'll start getting homework to do again, I now have a part time job on the weekends and have to start fund raising for my Korea trip next summer. Not to mention college stuff.

I believe Stress and I will be "good friends" after a week or so of school.

Oh, and I have to start Christmas knitting.

I think I'm going to cry.

(But first, Hurricane Irene hit us up here in little Maine today. (Well, Sunday.) Was more of a tropical storm, but still pretty bad. We lost our power twice for quite a bit. At one point I was working on Portfolio art homework in candlelight, which was actually kind of fun. But, I'm glad for the internet and power to be back that's for sure.)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Being Indecisive is Killing Me

I have a tendency to not be very decisive when it comes to any kind of decision. I don't know what it is, but most of the time I just tense up and have no idea what to choose. Even when I've already decidied something, I tend to think "Oh, should I really do that? What about this? Oh, which one should I pick/choose/do?" and then anxiety and fear and just general unpleasentness comes afterward.

An example of this, is when I was tricked by a friend of mine, Miss Ephemeral, got me interested in going to Seoul, Korea. It looked really cool, beautiful and just like an amazing trip all together. Plus I had been interested in Korean culture and pop music for a while now, so it was a win-win all around. Right?

Well, there went my brain again. Thinking, 'What if I don't get to travel anywhere else in my life? Do I really want my first abroad experience to be in Seoul, Korea? What about some of the places I've been dreaming about visiting for ages now? What about, Italy? France? Ireland? Poland?' So I started to question my plans, think about going somewhere else next summer. (As you can see in my previous/first post here.)

But you know what, I need to stop being so, fickle I guess.

So, you know what? I'm going to go to Seoul, Korea next summer. It'll be fun and a hopefully wonderful start to my study abroad adventures! It'll be good this way, because a bunch of my friends, including Miss Ephemeral above (who will have been there for 4 months already, so she'll know her way around a little at least) will also be going to Seoul next summer. So I think it'd be good to have my first abroad trip with people I know from back home, to help make the trip easier. Then maybe once I'm in college, I can go somewhere else and study for longer. Maybe Ireland, maybe Italy. Who knows.

Just taking things one step at a time.

This has been a post about Kenzie's crazy brain and study abroad plans, along with a painful abuse of the strikeout.

In other news, I have a crush on a farmer at the local Farmer's Market. Go me.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Introduction Post is Introductory

Mackenzie, Kenzie, Kenz, LaKenzie, Kenziebird.
A few of my (nick)names.

I'm an artist, knitter, video game nerd and a terrible writer.
I love drawing and painting . Coming up with stories, attempting to draw them. Keeping dozens of characters in my head, drawing them. Falling in love with video game characters, drawing them. Obsessing over yarn and video games.

I'm terribly shy when in social situations that I'm not comfortable with, basically when I'm not in my element or know much about the people around me.
But I'm also terribly hyper and friendly when there is a subject (one of the above for example) that I know and can talk about with someone. When there are shared interests, I'm in control.

I love Silent Hill, Mass Effect, The Elder Scrolls and Bioshock video game series. Many more, but those are my general obsessions.

My music ranges from basically everything but Rap, most Hip-Hop, Country and most Folk music.
But give me Rock, Celtic, Indie, Classical, Electronic, Dubstep and many others and I'm quite content.

I just really like knitting and hope to knit some very nerdy things in the close future.

I also want to study abroad in the Summer of 2012. Currently the destination is Seoul, Korea. But currently I'm also checking some options in Italy. There are just so many places that I want to go, it's hard making a decision.

There is my introduction. This blog with be general things that interest me and about my plans/fundraising/general stuff about my Studying Abroad plans!